Stranger Things Season 2

It's the fall of 1984, about a year after Will Byers was found, and he has been plagued by seeing visions of the Upside Down featuring a more dangerous monster. That leads the boy to see a suspiciously friendly new doctor, with the possibility that Will's visions are the result of suffering from PTSD. Nancy deals with survivor's remorse over the death of best friend Barb. Meanwhile, a new sinister entity threatens the Hawkins residents who survived the year-earlier events. New to the town is tomboy Max, who befriends the boys and attracts the romantic interests of Dustin and Lucas.
Chapter One : Madmax
Almost a year after the events of the vanishing of Will, a psychic girl with a tattoo identical to Eleven's, marking her as "008", is working as part of a criminal gang in Pittsburgh. Back in Hawkins, Will, Mike, Dustin and Lucas meet a new girl at school, Maxine ("Max"), who immediately captures the interest of Dustin and Lucas, while her older brother Billy antagonizes Steve. Mike and Nancy are still dealing with the losses of Eleven and Barb, respectively. Will has been experiencing "episodes", hallucinations of the Upside Down that feature visions of an enormous, tentacled creature. Joyce and Hopper take Will to be seen at the lab by the new head scientist, Dr. Owens. Later, Hopper goes home to a cabin in the woods where he lives with Eleven, who is revealed to still be alive.
Chapter Two : Trick Or Treat, Freak
In flashbacks, Eleven manages to escape from the Upside Down, but is forced to remain hidden in the woods to avoid the government agents. In the present, the kids prepare for Halloween. Eleven asks to go trick-or-treating, but Hopper insists that she needs to remain hidden. Hopper investigates when pumpkins patches all over town suddenly start rotting. Nancy wants to tell Barb's parents the truth about her death, but Steve says that it is a bad idea, as the government agents might come after them if they told anyone the truth. Instead, they attend a Halloween party, where Nancy gets drunk and berates Steve until he leaves. Jonathan takes Nancy home. Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas go trick-or-treating, later joined by Max. During the night, Will has another episode and tells Mike about his visions. Mike admits that he is still trying to contact Eleven. Eleven tries to contact Mike using her powers, but is unsuccessful. Dustin returns home after trick-or-treating, and finds a strange creature in his trash can.
Chapter Three : The Pollywog
In flashbacks, Hopper finds Eleven in the woods and sets up his grandfather's hunting cabin as a place for her to live. In the present, Bob, Joyce's boyfriend, encourages Will to stand up to his fears. Nancy persuades Jonathan to help her on a mission to tell Barb's parents the truth. Hopper asks Dr. Owens to investigate the pumpkin-rotting incidents. Dustin tries to learn more about the strange creature he found, a small, slug-like animal that he names D'Artagnan ("Dart"), and shows it to the other kids at school. Will describes his hallucinations, and they conclude that Dart is from the Upside Down. Eleven leaves the cabin to look for Mike; she sees him arguing with Max and mistakes them as flirting. Joyce discovers an image of Will's vision on the video camera Will carried while trick-or-treating. Dart escapes; Will finds it, which triggers another hallucination. Will follows Bob's advice and confronts the shadow monster, but it forces a shadow tentacle down his throat.
Chapter Four : Will the Wise
Will wakes up to the concern of Joyce and his friends. Joyce takes Will home, but finds him acting strangely, and he starts drawing scribbles on numerous pages. Joyce calls Hopper for help, and together they discover the scribbles line up, forming a vast network of vines. Hopper recognizes an area and leaves without telling Joyce. Nancy and Jonathan are caught by undercover lab agents when they try to contact Barb's mother. Dr. Owens shows them the portal to the Upside Down, admits Barb died from it, and that they want to prevent other governments from learning of it. When they are released, Nancy reveals she recorded Owens' admission. Lucas tries to get closer to Max but Billy warns Max to stay away from Lucas. Dustin finds that Dart has broken out of its cage, and devoured his pet cat, and is a baby version of the Demogorgon monster. Eleven, after an argument with Hopper, finds Hopper's research into her biological mother, Terry Ives, and tries to contact Terry with her powers. Hopper digs into one of the tainted fields, and finds a tunnel leading to the Upside Down.
Chapter Five : Dig Dug
Hopper becomes trapped in the tunnels and passes out. Will has a vision of Hopper's state, but Joyce cannot figure out its meaning, and she recruits Bob to help. He identifies the network as a map under Hawkins, and where Hopper was trapped. Nancy and Jonathan visit local conspiracy theorist Murray for help. Murray knows the public will not accept their story as-is, but suggests watering down the story to make it more believable, to blame Barb's death on toxins from the lab. Lucas privately reveals the events of last year to Max to gain her respect, but she rebuffs him. Dustin traps Dart in his basement, and gets Steve to help recapture it. Eleven leaves to find Terry Ives, who is catatonic and cared for by her sister. Eleven is able to communicate with Terry, gaining her memories of trying to rescue her at Hawkins Lab before she was subject to an intentional severely brain-damaging dose of shock therapy. Eleven finds there was another girl trained like her. Joyce, Bob, Will, and Mike are able to rescue Hopper, though lab personnel soon arrive and set the tunnels on fire, causing Will to collapse in agony.
Chapter Six : The Spy
Will is rushed to the lab, and demonstrates memory loss. Dr. Owens speculates that the shadow monster is like a virus in Will, which has spread to his brain; damaging the tunnels may be lethal to Will. Nancy and Jonathan spend the night at Murray's where they admit their feelings for each other, then return to the Byers home and discover Will's drawings. Dustin contacts Lucas, and the two, along with Max and Steve, attempt to trap Dart at the local junkyard. There, Max opens up to Lucas, explaining that Billy's attitude is a result of his father remarrying Max's mother, a situation Billy was unhappy with. The four find that Dart is but one of a pack of adolescent monsters, and they are trapped in a bus until the pack suddenly runs away. At the lab, Will discovers a location on his map that the monsters want to avoid, located near the lab. Owens sends a team to investigate, but it is a trap; the team is attacked by the adolescent monsters who subsequently make their way into the lab itself. They realize that the monster has manipulated Will.
Chapter Seven : The Lost Sister
Eleven goes to Chicago to find the other girl from Terry's memories. There, Eleven tracks down Kali, the girl with psychic powers from Pittsburgh, along with others of her gang. The two reconnect, and Kali shows her prowess with her abilities, and now with the help of her gang, trying to exact revenge on former Hawkins lab scientists for what they did to her. Kali helps Eleven improve her powers by helping to channel her anger. Eleven joins them as they attack Ray, the lab technician that performed shock therapy on Terry, who claims Dr. Brenner is still alive. Kali tries to have Eleven kill Ray, but Eleven refuses when she finds Ray has two daughters. They flee back to the gang's base, and Kali insists Eleven either stay and avenge her mother, or leave. Eleven has a vision of Mike and Hopper at the lab, in trouble, and decides to return to Hawkins, while Kali and her gang escape from the police.
Chapter Eight : The Mind Flayer
The pack of creatures overwhelm the lab, killing many. Mike convinces Joyce to sedate Will, preventing the creatures from tracking them. Mike, Will, Joyce, Hopper, Bob and Owens are trapped in the lab's security room, and when the power goes out, Bob volunteers to reset the breakers to allow them to escape. Owens stays behind to help guide the rest out, and while Mike, Will, Joyce, and Hopper escape, Bob is caught and killed by the pack. They regroup with Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, Dustin, Lucas and Max who have come to the lab. The group figures that the shadow monster is controlling Will and the pack, and if they kill it, its influence on those will end. They tie Will up in his tool shed, redecorated so that Will cannot recognize it when he wakes, preventing the monster from locating him. Jonathan, Joyce, and Mike are able to get through to Will who taps out a message in Morse code, "CLOSE GATE". Suddenly the house phone rings, and the monster identifies their location. They barricade themselves in the house as the pack moves in. However, as the monsters close in, Eleven surprisingly arrives at the Byers and dispatches them.
Chapter Nine : The Gate
After a brief reunion, Eleven and the group devise a plan to close the gate to the Upside Down. Hopper and Eleven head to the lab to close the portal, while Jonathan, Nancy, and Joyce purge the virus from Will by overheating him. Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Max enter the tunnels to lure the pack away from the lab, though Steve initially refuses to help. Billy, having been told to find Max by his father, arrives and gets into a fight with Steve. Max eventually sedates him, and Steve agrees to help. The teenagers enter the tunnels and enact their plan, but are cornered by Dart. Dustin calms Dart long enough for the group to escape. Despite the Mind Flayer's attempts, Eleven unleashes her anger and successfully closes the portal. A month later, the lab has been shut down, Barb has been given a proper funeral, and Owens forges a birth certificate for Eleven for Hopper. The kids Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Will, Lucas and Max attend the school's winter dance Snow Ball, unaware that in the Upside Down, the shadow monster is still alive, towering over the school.