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    Stranger Things 3

    It's 1985 in Hawkins, Indiana, and summer's heating up. School's out, there's a brand new mall in town, and the Hawkins crew are on the cusp of adulthood. Romance blossoms and complicates the group's dynamic, and they'll have to figure out how to grow up without growing apart. Meanwhile, danger looms. When the town's threatened by enemies old and new, Eleven and her friends are reminded that evil never ends; it evolves. Now they'll have to band together to survive, and remember that friendship is always stronger than fear.

    Chapter One : Suzie Do You Copy ?
    In 1984, Russian generals give a group of scientists a year to develop technology to force open a portal to the Upside Down. A year later, at the end of the summer of 1985 in Hawkins, the new Starcourt Mall has become the social point for the town, causing most of the other town shops to close down, and its citizens seeking action from town hall. Joyce tells her intentions to move out of town for better prospects to Sheriff Hopper. Elsewhere Mike and Eleven have started developing a romantic relationship, which troubles Hopper. Hopper talks to Joyce on advice of how to split the two apart, and she suggests he write a "heart to heart" speech to explain his concerns over Eleven's relationship. Dustin comes back from summer science camp, and encourages his friends Mike, Will, Lucas, Eleven, and Max to help set up a make-shift radio so he can keep in touch with Suzie a girl he met at camp. One night, the power goes out completely across Hawkins, which shakes Will, and at a nearby abandoned steel mill, a strange entity appears. Nancy has started a job at the local paper, and secures a tip about a strange event, hoping to gain an edge over the male-dominated staff. Dustin heard a strange transmission coming through his transmitter of a man speaking Russian, which he records. Billy later drives by the mill, hits something, and while seeing what it was, is dragged into the mill.

    Chapter Two : The Mall Rats
    Billy manages to escape the mill after fighting off a supernatural creature, and tries to drive off and call for help, but instead ends up in the Upside Down, where he is found by a group of human-like creatures, including one that looks like himself. Hopper tries to distance Mike from Eleven, to make Eleven think he was breaking up with her. Later, Eleven and Max are shopping at the mall while Mike, Will and Lucas are also shopping for a gift for Eleven, she breaks up with him. Nancy, with help from Jonathan, follow up on her lead, finding that Ms. Driscoll, had caught a strangely-behaving rat as if rabid. As Nancy and Jonathan are distracted to see if there have been other similar rat sightings, the rat implodes into an amorphous organic mass and escapes. Hopper invites Joyce on a date, but Joyce becomes caught up in the mystery of why magnets at her home and store have lost their magnetic power with the school's science teacher, Mr. Clarke, suggesting some electromagnetic effect is causing it. Dustin enlists the help of Steve and his co-worker Robin at the mall's "Scoops Ahoy!" to translate the Russian sentence, and while it seems as a coded message, they hear the song "Daisy Bell" in the background, suggesting the message originated in Hawkins. Meanwhile, Billy struggles with nightmares during lifeguard duty, and guided by a strange voice connected to his doppelganger he saw in the Upside Down, abducts Heather and takes her to the mill to be possessed by the entity there.

    Chapter Three : The Case of Missing Life Gaurd
    Max encourages Eleven to use her powers to "spy" on Mike and his friends, and then later other people picked at random, starting with Billy; this causes Eleven to see Billy in the process of subduing Heather at the Mill, while Billy senses her presence. Max and Eleven try to track down Billy, finding he and Heather have missed work, and Eleven uses her powers to discover Heather's conscious being dragged away. Nancy finds more stories about strange rat behavior around town, but the men at the paper make fun of her for the story. She and Jonathan decide to prove it real by bringing the captured rat from Ms. Driscoll's place, but find she has become feral herself. Will has a falling out with Mike and Lucas after a D&D game, and in a fit of rage, destroys his "Castle Byers" treehouse. Dustin, Steve, and Robin try to find Russian agents at the mall, and Robin happens across the clues to decode the message, indicating something will happen at the mall that night. At the appointed time, they spy on armed Russian men covering a shipment to the mall. Hopper accosts Joyce for missing their date, but she explains about what Mr. Clarke told her, and they go to the Hawkins lab to affirm that it has been completely shut down, but hear a noise within. As Hopper investigates, he is attacked by an unknown man. Eleven and Max go Heather's house, where they find Billy dining with Heather and her parents, seemingly okay. As Eleven and Max leave, Billy looks on them with contempt, which Will senses, saying "he's back". Billy and Heather then knock out her parents.

    Chapter Four : The Sauna Test
    Billy and Heather take her parents to the mill, where they two are possessed by the entity. Nancy and Jonathan call the police to help subdue and take Ms. Driscoll to the hopsital, while all the time she demands that she has to go back. The two are lambasted and fired by Tom, the paper's editor and Heather's father. Nancy still remains curious, and goes to visit Ms. Driscoll to learn more. Will tells Mike and Lucas what he sensed, and they call Eleven and Max to get their help. Will believes that despite Eleven closing the gate at Hawkins lab, part of the mindflayer still resides in the real world and has found a new host. Eleven fears this may be Billy. The five set a trap to capture Billy at night at the pool's sauna. They confirm Billy is possessed, but suddenly he gains superhuman strength and breaks free, simultaneously as Nancy sees Ms. Driscoll transform similarly. Eleven fights Billy to protect them, and Billy runs off. Hopper listens to the description of his attacker from Joyce and realizes it is a man that works for Mayor Kline. Hopper forces Kline to reveal the man works for the owners of Starcourt who want to aggressively expand more into other parts of Hawkins. Joyce recognizes these areas being near her home and store and a possible explanation for the power outage and magnetism loss. They start exploring other buildings in the area for clues, while Kline calls for help to stop them. Dustin, Steve, and Robin seek a way to access the storage room that the delivery was taken. Finding there are narrow air ducts that lead from Scoops Ahoy to the storage room, they enlist the help of Lucas' sister Erica to navigate them and gain access. As they find the boxes hold samples of a strange green fluid, the room suddenly moves, revealing it is an elevator taking them deep below Starcourt. Billy regroups with Heather at the mill, revealing that they have also possessed dozens of other townsfolk to their control.

    Chapter Five : The Flayed
    Hopper and Joyce discover one of the abandoned properties has a hidden laboratory with two Russian men. They are tailed by the man that attacked Hopper at Hawkins lab, and after a brief firefight, Hopper and Joyce escape with one of the Russian men, Alexei, one of the men that led the Russians to build the Upside Down portals. Alexei only speaks Russian, and Hopper decides to take the man to Murray Bauman in Illinois who can help translate. They are followed by their attacker. Nancy calls Jonathan to tell him about Ms. Driscoll and becomes concerned when Jonathan cannot find Will at home. Nancy and Jonathan meet with Will and the others, and confirm their experiences from the previous night, and when Nancy' explains about Tom's behavior, Eleven fears that he may be possessed too. They go to Heather's house, finding it a mess and confirmed that Billy and Heather must have taken her parents somewhere. To find that, Mike suggests letting Ms. Driscoll lead them there. Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica hide on the elevator car's roof as Russian men unload the boxes from the elevator. They use one of the liquid vials to prop the elevator door open to escape, which shatters the vial revealing the liquid has strong acid-like properties. While wandering the area's corridors, they hear the same coded message and determine a communications room must be near with which they can send out a message for help. Staying out of sight of numerous Russian scientists and soldiers, they make their way to what they think is a communications room and subdue its guard. They discover the room looks onto the large testing area where the scientists are trying to open the portal to the Upside Down. At the hospital while the younger group waits, Nancy and Jonathan find Tom and a possessed Bruch have already taken Ms. Driscoll and killed other doctors and patients. Tom and Bruce separate the two and try to overpower them, but when Nancy strikes Bruce, it also stuns Tom at the same time. Nancy and Jonathan separately kill Tom and Bruce, but their bodies dissolve into organic masses which crawl through the hospital and join up, forming a snarling beast.

    Chapter Six : E Pluribus Unum
    Will senses the presence of the mindflayer at the hospital, and their group goes to try to check up on Nancy and Jonathan, who are trying to flee from the beast. Eleven rescues Nancy from the beast, and it flees into the sewers, where Billy and Heather are waiting; Billy announces that it's time. Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica's presence are discovered in the Russian underground complex, and they make their escape, but Steve and Robin are captured and interrogated by the Russian military via a truth serum, but before they can be harmed, Dustin and Erika rescue them. After a brief disagreement, Hopper is able to get Alexei's cooperation, learning that the Russians have been constructing "keys", giant machines to open portals to the Upside Down, and while they tried these in Russia, they could only get their machine to work in Hawkins, and the portal to the Upside Down has been open since the first power outage. Hopper reaches out to Dr. Owens to report on the attempt to open the gate under Starcourt. Meanwhile, the man following Hopper tells Mayor Klein, overseeing the town's July 4th carnival setup, to step up his efforts to find Hopper and Joyce. Mike, Eleven, Will, Lucas, Max, Nancy, and Jonathan know they need to find where the mindflayer is hiding, and while they know Billy is hiding in his room through Eleven's powers, believes this is a trap set by the mindflayer. Eleven offers to do the same method of using her powers to read Billy's mind from afar as she had used with her mother, as to determine where Billy had been. She ends up deep in Billy's memories, and witnesses his troubled childhood. Following these memories into a proverbal storm, she discovers the steel mill at the eye of the storm. After reporting this to the others, she tries to release herself from Billy, but she finds herself trapped, and the mindflayer, through Billy, reveals they know where she is; around town, those possessed by the mindflayer start to converge on the steel mill, their bodies dissolving and merging into a single larger mindflayer.

    Chapter Seven : The Bite
    Eleven reports to her friends what the mindflayer told her, and they determine that it is coming for Eleven since she is the only one that can close the gate. Will senses the flayer's approaching, and they take shelter in Mike's basement after acquiring weapons. The flayer attacks, and after severing many of its limbs, Eleven tears part of the beast in two, giving the group time to flee. Dustin and Erica lead the drugged Steve and Robin out of the underground complex beneath Starcourt, but as they are chased by Russian guards on the surface, they retreat back into the mall and hide in the movie theater. Eleven's group break into a hardware store to help treat Eleven's wounds and gather more supplies to fight the flayer. Mike makes up to Eleven, when suddenly Dustin contacts them over walkie-talkie to explain their situation, apologizing for being out of touch, before he loses battery power. Eleven is unable to use her powers to check on Dustin, so after gearing up, the group takes off for the mall, unaware that the mindflayer has been able to track them through Eleven's blood. Hopper, Joyce, Murray, and Alexei race back to Hawkins to find the children at the fairgrounds. Kline catches site of Hopper and Joyce and alerts the Russians. Murray and Alexei bond, and Murray offers to show Alexei around the fairgrounds to show him what it is like to be an American. However, the Russian agent contacted by Klein and fatally shoots Alexei in front of Murray's eyes. Murray rushes to warn Hopper, and Hopper and Joyce evade several Russian agents surrounding them. With Murray, they flee the fairgrounds and learn the Russians are looking for the children at the mall. At the mall, Eleven's group arrives in time to stop the Russians from shooting Dustin's group. The children quickly catch up on what they've experienced, when Eleven collapses in front of them, her wound pulsing with a strange growth.

    Chapter Eight : The Battle of Star Court
    Jonathan attempts to cut up Eleven's wound to remove the mindflayer's growth, but Eleven takes over, flinging the creature aside. The creature tries to crawl away but is crushed by Hopper as he, Joyce, and Murray arrival. They make plans to raid the Russian base under the mall to destroy the key as Alexei suggested, with Dustin offering to use his radio transmitter, powerful enough to have heard the transmissions from the base, to keep in touch. As Hopper, Joyce, and Murray descend, and Steve drives himself, Robin, Dustin, and Erica to the transmitter. The other children prepare to leave to take Eleven to Murray's place for safekeeping, but find that their car's starter has been pulled and Billy has cornered them. They take refuge in the mall. Eleven finds herself too weak to evoke her powers, just as the mindflayer crashes through the mall's roof. After dropping off Dustin and Erica at the tower, Steve and Robin race back. At the mall the group distracts the mindflayer long enough to get the starter from a prize car in the mall. As they attempt to flee, Billy tries to ram their car, but Steve slams into Billy's car to stop him. The children retreat back into the mall as Billy and the mindflayer chase them down. Underground, as Murray disables the power to the gateway machine, Hopper and Joyce attempt to open a lock to the disabling keys using a code given by Alexei, but Murray admits his translation may have been off, only recalling it has to do with the Planck constant. Dustin uses his transmitter to reach out to Suzie in Utah, and after they catch up, she is able to provide them with the number. With the keys, Hopper and Joyce prepare to stop the machines but the Russian agent grabs Hopper and starts fighting him. Joyce prepares to turn both keys herself as Hopper throws the agent into the gate machine, killing him but blocking the exit to the gate room. Knowing that the machine's destruction will disintegrate anyone in the room, Hopper nodes to Joyce to trigger it. Despite Mike and Max's efforts, Billy seizes Eleven and takes to the mindflayer, while the other children throw fireworks at it to stop it from consuming Eleven. Eleven recalls the memories she saw of Billy's childhood to reach out to him and break him out of the mindflayer's control. Billy breaks control and sacrifices himself to stop the mindflayer from attacking Eleven. Joyce destroys the gate machine, closing the portal to the Upside Down, and causing the mindflayer to die. Eleven comforts Max over the death of her brother, while Joyce and Murray escape from the facility, and Dr. Owens arrives with several armed troops at the mall to seize control of the Russian base. Regrouping outside the mall, Eleven sees from Joyce's expression that Hopper appears to have died.
    Three months later, Hawkins becomes the centerpoint of several conspiracy theories due to recent events. Joyce, Will, Eleven and Jonathan prepare to move out, and Eleven still has been unable to use her powers. Joyce finds Hopper's written "heart to heart" speech he wanted to give to Eleven and Mike, and gives it to Eleven to read, who realizes Hopper's true feelings raising her and was uncomfortable with change and letting her go. In a post-credit scene, at a Russian base in Kamchatka feed a prisoner to the captive demogorgon.

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